March 31, 2010
March 29, 2010
Sleep here I come
Well my plans for spring break are quite sporadic...Chase is going paint balling tomorrow and then camping for three days with the guys and Lizzy is going out of town Wednesday. Sooo......sleepover! Girls night tonight with Hannah and Lizzy before Lizzy leaves for GA. Hannah and I also want to have a picnic, get a tan and watch lots of awesome movies. I am also going to have a huge, grand cleaning of my room with my dear mother. Finally getting rid of Catherine's old stuff.....from high school......three years ago.......yeeeeaaaaahhhh......anyways, it shall be an adventure, digging into the depths of under my beeeeed and in my clossssset (to be said in cheesy spooky voice with waving of the fingers). Then maybe we shall go to lunch, having a nice sit down and time to catch up. =] =] =]
Along with all these adventures, maybe some pictures for memories since I only have a few months left at home and maybe more random adventures with other people. Chase is having a cookout Saturday, well his family is because they have several April birthdays so they celebrate them all at once. I am glad because they make delicious food and I am currently starving at this moment. I have Trix cereal in my purse. Teeheehee! Oh! That reminds me, we had story time in German IV today...yesss.....we love stories even at the old ages of 16,17, 18, etc. We were talking about what rabbits like to eat and one kid yelled "flowers", another yelled "plants" and a third yelled "trix!". Oh then on top of it all, Sam decided he wanted to hold the book for Matt while he read, from behind his back. Like those skits where the person from behind pretends to be someones arms. Well he had much fun with stroking Matt's chin and waving at people.
Once again I am rambling....but I guess that is all I have planned.....well it seemed like more at the time. Oooo.....maybe I will go to Cafe Gelato's soooooo good. Man I am hungry but that is because it is almost lunchtime and I have cheese cake for lunch! Well I must go for now.
hungry, hungry, hungry,
March 26, 2010
Lucky Day
To start off, the quote above is from one of my favorite books of the amazing Dr.Seuss. Ever have those days that surprise you? Either something shocking are awesome happens? This week has been one strange, happy weeks. It seems my teachers magically decided to be nice and charming for a week. This week my Environmental teacher decided that rather than giving us a long, hard test on toxicity and risks, to give us two worksheets, as a completion grade and test grade. You cannot get much kinder than that. But to add to the shock of life, Wood decided to give us lots of super easy quizzes this week, acing each one made my week a little bit brighter. If that could not be better, I finished my (crazy, insane, brand new, not quite impossible, huge part of my grade) project for photography. To finish such a ridiculous thing feels amazing. not to mention the 72 degree weather for most of the week and beating chase at Spite and Malice 3 times. To top the week off with come ice cream and enjoying a Thursday night, church activity, life is good.
Well I might as well back up just a tad to this weekend, which was quite fun as well. Saturday I woke up and showered, then went out to lunch with my mom and shopping. We had a great time chatting it up and being together, My only regret is that I do not get to hang out with her as often as I would like. After shopping, Chase took me to Cafe Gelato, the cutest Italian ice cream shop ever. The woman who owns the place was very sweet and had the coolest accent but I could not make out where her origin was. We finished up our afternoon by going to the mall to get a present for Lizzy. Lizzy's birthday party was a blast with balloons, pizza, soda, snacks and watching Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. Along with hanging out and talking, since we all know teens can talk forever.
I guess that sums up most all of my exciting news. Except I have had little homework, actually enjoy Wuthering Heights and am ready to hit spring break, pillow first. Hey you can not blame a girl for wanting to sleep.
spring her I come,
March 9, 2010
Bounce Bounce Bounce!
To add to my feeling of being quite old, one of my favorite kids just turned 5!!! I have been babysitting the Snow boys for about 3 1/2 years. I started babysitting them when Nate was 3 1/2 and Grant was 1 1/2. Grant barely talked and Nate loved Dora. Grant turned 5 last Friday. Nate is 6 and will be 7 in May and their youngest brother who was born shortly after starting to babysit them, is now 2 1/2. I have spent many of my summer days, school evenings and weekends with these boys. I love babysitting because they are so much fun and brighten my day. They say the silliest things such as "ka-kee" apparently means chocolate milk. Who knew? Along with other fun terminology like "baba," "binkie," and "bebe," in English are bottle, pacifier and blanket. i am sure mothers can relate to such words. Bennett is learning to talk more frequently and recently learned to say "mix". I am quite proud of him!
Over the years I have known them, my mind is still blown to think how old they are. Each brings a special quality to their fun personalities. Nate is the adventurous one, always curious and wanting to learn more. He comes up with the coolest games and now loves Starwars as each young boy seems to become intrigued with at one point or another. Grant is the quiet one; he does not talk much except when he has an exciting story to tell. He always listens and does as he is told even if he says no first (trying to be tough), he always listens happily. Bennett, the youngest, looooves"Go, Diego, Go" and will demand to watch at least one episode a day. He is quite demanding and gets fixated easily on one thing at a time. He looks more and more like his parents everyday and ceases to amaze me with his knowledge constantly.
Overall, I love these boys to death and would do anything for them. They have taught me more than I could have ever learned from reading a book about raising children. they are not always easy but always worth being with. They have taught me patience and to laugh at myself and my mistakes. Whether peeing on me while trying to change a diaper, coordinating bedtimes, making dinner, playing in the sprinkler (with no extra clothes to change into) or bouncing for hours in a bounce house till I can no longer breathe, they have made my time with them adventurous and fun. Even when I am in a bad mood, they brighten my day and reassure my want of being a mother someday to have adventures with my own kids. But until then, I will enjoy hanging out with them.
mothers are amazing,
March 8, 2010
Update for my Sister
Currently I have two huge projects for photo and do not have enough time to shoot them along with all the rest of the work I have to do. But I will make it work somehow. I am a bit excited for the documentary through. I am either shooting my friend Chris, who is in a band and has been playing guitar since he was young, or shooting my little brother since he can play pretty much any instrument he picks up, writes music and even won a reward for a song h composed. I am extremely proud of him. He is brilliant in almost everything he tries, if not all.
I have recently been on a cleaning spree, cleaning absolutely everything. I cleaned out my car (which REEEEAAALLLY needed cleaning, no one could sit in there and I have been driving lots of people lately), I cleaned my room (clothes everywhere) and I cleaned out and organized my book bag which took longer than cleaning my room! I also changed the oil on my car (after showering) and got oil all over my face. But my dad was extremely proud and has been bragging about it all weekend because I did not freak out about getting down and dirty.
My life consists of trying to keep up with friends, close by and far away and making time to be with them. Along with that I have been trying to spend more time with the family, I do not feel old enough to go to college yet and so I want to make sure I spend what little time left I have with the people that matter most. I know these next few months will fly faster than I would like but I cannot control that so I must make the best with what time is given to me. outside of home and family, school is slipping by and trying hard to make sure I keep up with school is a great deal of work. Trying to study harder, keep up with reading and projects and homework. Finally time for myself mixed with babysitting take up the last of my time. Saving up for college has become vital and now every penny goes to having a home and food to eat in college. My free time is spent doing puzzle games. I do sudoku in order to give me time to think and focus, reflecting on life and time spent.
Life is overall great. I have fun playing the Wii with Chase and watching Disney movies. Spending time with friends watching girly movies and talking about all the adventures we want to have before we go our separate ways. Watching old movies with the family and enjoying life, making me happy makes life worth living. And now spring weather is headed this way opening new gates to fun, adventures and relaxation. Life is good.
Stop and take a break,
March 5, 2010
La La La Lets Dance All Day
Take a drive,