We found out the gender of our sweet baby on Thursday.
The night before I didn't sleep a wink because I feel like I've been waiting forever and couldn't wait another minute longer. I'm at 21 1/2 weeks which isn't really past the range for finding out gender but I've been ready to know for a long time.We no longer have to call him an "it" which is a great feeling.
The appointment went well. He started out asleep head up which was perfect for the doctor to get all the pictures of his brain and make sure everything looked normal. Sadly that was all he stayed asleep for and began being very wiggly.
Below is his bum and cute little legs.
You can't look at these feet and not sigh in awe! Are they not the sweetest???
When it was time to find out his gender he was not shy at all. By time we were ready to find out he had flipped over completely with his bum in the air.
Before the doctor even said his gender we saw it. He was not shy even a little.
It was pretty surreal to find out his gender and is only now starting to kick in.
Speaking of kicking he is a VERY VERY VERY energetic little boy!
He loves to kick and wiggle any time he is awake.
His little head, not quite sucking his thumb.
Gosh I'm in love with that little guy!
He has a strange idea of comfortable positions, I think he gets is from me.
If only I could be that flexible.
We're so thrilled to have him in our lives.
Already Garett, my mom and a friend of mine have gotten to feel him move.
It's a fun sensation to know he's there listening to my voice and growing stronger everyday.
As for names we are far from making a dent.
In my baby book of names I've only gotten through the C's without much luck.
Luckily we have time.
My mom came up this weekend to help us move and in doing so was able to help us get the crib set up and his nursery is slowly coming together little by little.
I never thought a little boy less than a pound that I haven't even technically met yet could change my world so much. We really are happy beyond compare and it's only growing everyday.
He will be the first great-grandson Bonds for Grandpa Royce and the first grandson Bonds for Garett's parents. Their name-sake shall continue on!
As always we're grateful for all the support from our friends and family and we'll keep you updated as our little boy gets bigger.
We are soooo excited for you both! Can't wait to meet him! Love Mom & Dad