I know it's half way through February but it's never too late to reflect. Most of this is from last year with a few from January so enjoy!
(Also these are in a random order so just go with it).
This fall Garett and I got to meet our all time favorite author Brandon Sanderson!
He's very laid back and very nice and just a cool guy.
Also he is not as nerdy as he looks.
Sometime this year Garett made me a traditional African dinner (though with much more meat than they would have had). It consisted of meat drenched in soup mixes, fried cabbage and sadza (which is like a mix between mashed potatoes and play-dough). You pinch it into a small bowl and scoop up the other food with it. Also it has the consistency of peanut butter without the nice flavor and VERY messy. Apparently you only eat it with one hand so the other one stays clean to grab your cup with.
We celebrated our 1 yr anniversary in August and just 2 weeks ago celebrated 18 months of being married.
Man does the time fly!
During the 7 week break we went to the sand dunes with out friends and played Betrayal at the House on the Hill!
Also in the summer we went to Yellowstone with my parents for a weekend trip and got lots of love from a bison.
Out best friends Katy and Sam got married! =D
I took intro to Studio Lighting and learned I never want to have my own studio, but also learned some fun stuff:
Like textured lighting
How to shoot glass, which is evil but slightly less evil than metal spoons.
Had an AMAZING Christmas break with my family where we saw and fell in love with the movie Frozen and had lots and lots of fabulous family time.
Also I have been growing my hair out and Garett grew out his very attractive beard!
I got my first smart phone and immediately loved snapchatting with my little brother and friends from back home!
Garett's mission president became a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy and gave his first talk in General Conference in October! Also I got to meet him for the first time in April and let me tell you, he is an awesome, powerful yet funny man.
I was on track for spring and fall where I took lithography and watched people build a teepee in the middle of campus.
Got addicted to Community! Thanks Sam! Anyone who considers themselves even slightly nerdy should watch this.
Saw the edge of a storm.
And enjoyed some lovely rainbows after long days at work.
Fell in love with our popcorn maker!
Tried out bangs a few weeks ago.
I like them some days.
Also watched the Superbowl this year with friends and ate WAY TOO much, but it was totally worth it!
Remembered my deep deep deep love of Mexican food and places to eat that have "taco" in the title.
Trimmed Garett's beard
And got taught my this awesome lady for 3 weeks during my studio lighting class. Hoping to take portraiture from her in the fall! Her husband was eh...(he was my main teacher)
Overall is was a fun year! One more post soon to come to finish off this year in review!