July 27, 2010

Chipmunk chipmunk with a bit of pain

So this was on the way home, with gauze I might add.

Yeah puffy I know =[ Later without gauze, I was happy, you just can't tell.

See? I look a little better I think...

So.....I got my wisdom teeth out. The worst was the IV. The doctor got mad at me for being scared and told me to suck it up or we wouldn't do it today. But I just wanted it to be over so I sucked it up. They lie though, it hurt for 2 minutes. And they didn't put me all the way under. I remember them saying open up & I remember the needle to numb my mouth & some pain during procedure.

Afterwords they told me I was done and took me away in a wheelchair while my mom pulled the car up front. I look super puffy with the gauze in my mouth but now it is not too bad. Slight swelling on on my lower right side but not bad. My chin, lower lip & tongue were numb for hours but I can feel them now. And bleeding has pretty much stopped. But all facial expressions are prohibited, including laughing. =[ Eating and drinking are kinda hard even more so because I am always hungry. But oh well. The first 24 hours are supposed to be the worst so tomorrow may be better? Oh and drowsiness didn't last long which was nice.

I watched Princess and the Frog twice today! I reeeeallllly like it! And Alice in Wonderland. It was good too. =] Time for bed, goodnight!

Frozen veggies make my face feel better =]

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