October 17, 2011

The Good, Bad and Awesome

This weekend after a long hard week I decided to indulge myself.

With what may you ask?

Some good friends
Roman Holiday (found friends who love old movies as much/maybe even more than I do)*
And what is a good movie and friends without pizookie?

(Yes it was even better than it looks)

These are my B&W well educated film loving friends:
(Left to Right: Janae, Haley, Katelynn, Jenny, Myself)

To add to my joy, THIS fabulous girl is coming to see me this weekend!!!!!
Isn't she the cutest and prettiest and most amazing girl you ever did see?

I like to think so.

I am extremely biased though.
I haven't seen her since August and I am ready to party it up with her!

What would this world be without best friends?

Very sad for sure.

Speaking of which, I got to skype this kid last Thursday:This is Tyler in case y'all forgot.
He was here last semester rooming in Albert's apartment.
Anyway he's pretty much awesome and pretty hilarious.

On a side note: I cut my own bangs last night.

I'm not sure how I feel about them yet.

They might be good, but probably bad.
(Hence no picture)

Guess we'll see...

I want a cheese sandwich
Pepperjack is the way to go
Why are you hiding behind the couch??

*Thank you mom and dad for raising me on good movies!

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1 comment:

  1. Can't go wrong with pizookie =]
    :D :D This weekend is gonna be epic!
