February 7, 2012

So This Is Real?

You know what I love? I love that awkwardness when you can tell people want to ask you something, but are too nervous to do so. Living in single women's housing you get that a lot, especially when you are one of two girls in the apartment that has a boyfriend. (Not going to lie, I hate that term slightly, it does not do Garett justice, not in my eyes anyway).

As all semesters start and you are trying to make out the different personalities you are going to live with for the next few months, there are a lot "inevitable" questions as I like to call them. They fall somewhere along these lines:

  • What's you name?
  • Where are you from?
  • What semester is this for you?
  • What is your major?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Do you have any weird habits (awake or asleep) that I should know about? (Just kidding, people don't actually ask that, but I kind of wish they did....)
  • So do you know any cute guys around here? Preferably single? (Once again they don't ask this one, but I know they are ALLLLL thinking it).
  • Do you have a boyfriend?
  • If yes, how long have you been together?
  • (Repeat questions 1-4 for him)
  • If no, it is followed by an awkward silence. If you are single as well then it is followed by "Same here!" *insert awkward high five* (then followed by realizing how lame you feel for giving a complete stranger a high five about being alone). 
And then there is THAT question when you do have a boyfriend. That question that if people do ask, they pretend they are joking but are in actuality serious. Regardless it is always unpleasant. That question that goes something like this:

  • So is he, ya know, *wink*wink* THE ONE?     OR
  • So are you guys looking at getting married?     OR
  • Is he a possibility?  ya know....*wink*wink*

Normally followed by a quick "Just kidding!"

That question is the worst, not only are you both uncomfortable but now you are having to tell this stranger about your personal life or awkwardly talk around it. I would like to pretend that even knowing whether he is "the one" or not would make it less awkward but then that added "haha just kidding" brings back the discomfort.

My thoughts often proceed like this when asked this question "Yes he is the one, did you not see me all googily eyed when he helped me move in? Besides look how attractive he is, there is no way in heck I am letting that man get away! And though I know you were only kidding about this question, I am prepared to tell you that yes we are planning on getting married, but then you're going to ask me more questions. So I am tempted to make noises of 'um's" and 'uhhh's..." to show fake uncertainty just so I can end this awkward game of questionnaire. Please ask me in a week or two when I am more familiar with you and I might be more willing to share details."

Oh if only real conversations could go like that, when in reality I just say yes and face the other 23 questions that follow.

Now repeat those questions another 53 times for roommates, friends of roommates, the bishopric, anyone in your ward that talks to you, classmates, friends of classmates, people from past semesters, your boyfriends roommates, and any other people you happen to encounter and are forced to talk to for more than 5 minutes.

Part of me loves this, and part of me wishes I only had to go through it once per semester, unfortunately that is not the case.

On the bright side, if they do ask about Garett then I get to talk about my favorite person in the entire world, and heaven knows I don't mind that one bit. =]

Well until next time, enjoy being single or married and not having to go through all those questions. And if you are in a relationship, good luck!

Real Steel
Great movie
Go watch it!


  1. My favorite question was from people in the ward who knew us and knew we'd been dating for awhile, "So, are you engaged yet?" "NO!" I wanted to shout, "and stop asking before you jinx it!" I feel your pain.

  2. try telling them you have a missionary -___- you either get the "ohhh...yikes.You are never going to make it" look or the " oh you are one of those type of girls who hide themselves in closets and don't come out for two years" look AHHHHH no matter how much you plead and say he is just your best friend and that as much as you hope it works out I am still dating...they still look at you like you have the plague. I am so done with this questions game. hahaha

  3. And that is why I ask people what their favorite kind of pie is.

    Ask something random that is more important and tell them to facebook stalk you if they haven't already to get the answers to all the other questions.

    Ooo... and my favorite is when they ask if your boyfriend/girlfriend is the one you ask back, "Which one?"
