Anywho Congrats to Albert and Wendy on their engagement!!!! I am thrilled for y'all!
The sun decided to come back to Rexburg, despite missing the 3 day weekend. I am grateful.
This week has flown by to my relief.
We got off work early today! For the first time since last fall! Woohoo!!!!
Garett is getting me reading again and I love it. Isn't he such a good
Because of our short work day we were able to go home and cuddle while talking about Warbreaker which I just finished today. Garett wants me to start Elantris though we have to return his mom's Nook next week. =[
I always hated Nooks and Kindles and now I am in love with them and want one! They are ridiculously handy and have an amazing battery life. =]
We get to see my family and pretty much ALL of Garett's family next weekend! I am thrilled! I think I will finally get to meet Jamie, Owen & their kids. Woohoo!
I have an awesome family and I love them.
I love chocolate milk and Mexican food