I was planning a longer blog post but then I realized it's time to go to bed, also my "a z ! q" buttons aren't working again. How I am typing with those buttons not working you may ask? 3 words. Copy and paste. Shows you how much dedication I have to writing. I mean those buttons work about half the time. I've been having better luck with them lately except for right now. Maybe in 10 mins they'll start working again. We shall see but I digress.
I got a job finally at a call center that is much better than Opinionology. Garett and I work there and it's not too bad. They don't work on Sundays which is nice and you create your own schedule each week.
Honestly I was planning to take some fun pictures of new/interesting things but then I realized I hadn't taken any and I finally figured out why. I've kind of been in a funk these last few months. I haven't taken classes or seen any of my friends since July basically, minus a few occasions. My only social interaction outside of Garett is on Sundays but that is still minimal. I'm almost kind of dying for April to come around so I can get back to learning. I mean doing chores and watching abc family day in and day out is nice for about 2 weeks and then it gets old.
The good thing to come of all of this though is that when we have kids THEY are doing the DISHES. I hate dishes more than anything lately. Just in general the kitchen. No matter how many times I clean it, it always gets dirty. So when we have kids, their chores are going to be allllll kitchen duties. Muahahahaha.
I mean I love cooking, but unlike my amazing mother, I do not have the patience to cook each night, and honestly Garett is a messy cook. Great cook, but messy.
In other news we happily own Wreck It Ralph which is a fantastic movie!!!!! Go buy it and watch it.
I also cut my own bangs, they were driving me crazy, except I cut them a little too short. On a side note, I can sort of have straight across bangs whenever I want.
I guess I'll wrap this up. I might remember to post pictures later. We shall see. I might pull out my camera tomorrow.
All in all life is good, just a little slow. I'm sure in time it will get all insane but for now it is calm. My sweet husband does his best to make sure I don't go stir crazy. Maybe this warm weather will hold out until spring/summer arrives and we can take walks again. Cross your fingers, toes etc for us.
Farewell and goodnight,
Meg B.
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