Here are some things that on my mind lately:
- Whenever I'm having a bad day at work and someone takes my survey, later that evening I pray that they will be blessed with amazingly great blessings for helping me out (so you should take surveys and receive blessings).
- I'm kind of feeling surreal lately because everyone I know is just now getting engaged/married and I'm about to celebrate my 1 yr anniversary. It makes me feel old, except everyone else is older than me. Guess I was just ahead of the curve? Maybe I'm just emotionally old...? I don't know....
- For the few people that I know who got married around the same time as me or after me are ALL having babies. Sometimes I'm jealous of them, but then I think of the costs, and the hours of sleep they are not getting, and all the awesome quality time I get with Garett right now and I'm okay.
- My little brother is going to college in a month. I hear the words but they aren't really sticking yet. I will forever imagine everyone 3+ years younger than me as 8 yr olds and there they should stay.
- I'm at this point where I feel like I've been in college forever even though I'm only getting my Bachelors, but I'm getting trunky. I can only imagine how people in grad school+ must feel. All I can say is bless your souls!
- I really want to get into running, problem is I hate doing anything alone and I want to run in the mornings and Garett wants to run at night.. Any suggestions?
- I also want to be super crafty except I am terrible at hoarding random stuff and for the little stuff I do hoard, it ends up stored away somewhere and I can never find it. Guess it just wasn't meant to be....
- Also I'm finally going to get my legs tan! Now that it is August and will be cold by the end of September....but to be fair I have the nastiest top-of-my-feet-only-sandal tan lines. Meaning only parts of the tops of my feet are tan, then there is a straight line where my pants stop and my legs are WHITE. Needless to say I'm still wearing boots to church because my tan line is super noticeable and awkward (and now that my ward is tiny, it will be even more apparent).
- Though I am not baby hungry, I am pet hungry. I keep seeing all these beautiful dogs and cats everywhere and it reminds me how much I love pets. Pretty sure as soon as I graduate/have a house I want a dog. They're too sweet for their own good.
- One of the best feelings in the world is when your home is clean for more than 2 days in a row! Mine has been clean for almost 2 weeks! It is amazing! Clean home=happy wife!
Hope all is well with y'all! Have a great rest of your week/weekend!
Have you considered volunteering at a local pet shelter?