Sorry I haven't blogged in ages. Either I'm super busy or doing mostly nothing outside of work. There isn't any wiggle room. I will blog more about all my adventures I've had this last month but probably not until next week. I will definitely try before my school starts up. Yes I'm not back I'm school yet.... you're suddenly wishing you were in Idaho now aren't you?
Mostly it's because my computer was null and void for most of the month and I have had very little time to edit pictures after shooting a wedding and 2 receptions. So this next week I will be on overload. Expect at least 3-4 blog posts this next week. I would do it today but I have a ward potluck this evening which I'm helping set up.
Currently computers are down at work for the second time so you can thank work for this little update. Oh and expect lots of pictures! My poor not so little camera has been on overload lately. Thank goodness for large memory cards!
Hope all is well for y'all. Garett and I are doing very well. I would like to skype with many of you sometime soon. If you want my schedule for the coming months I can message or email it to you. My schedule should be fairly calm this next semester. Not like last semester which was chaos. Anyway I wish y'all the best of luck and send you my love!