July 23, 2015

My Tiny Obsession

Warning: This is 100% a mommy obsession blog over my favorite little person.
Aka lots of pictures (and even some videos) of Joshua being awesome!

Joshua has changed a ton just in the last 2 months.

He rolls EVERYWHERE and is pretty close to crawling.

He loves to eat his dad's nose.
I don't really know why, but it's cute.

He really loves his daddy, especially when his daddy tickles him.

This is probably my favorite shirt of his. 
Who doesn't love the classics?

Joshua has gotten really good at sitting up and playing with his toys.
He can't get into the sitting position by himself yet, but he's got time.

That face kills me! *swooning*

A few weeks ago we started to introduce baby food.
He doesn't seem to care for most of except applesauce.
He likes it apparently only when I feed it to him though (he spits it out for anyone else).

He has a jumper/bouncer toy that he LOVES.
He will bounce for hours on end until he is ready to nap.

On the 4th of July he got to see fireworks for the first time.
Baby logic: "Oh big explosions......cool......"
*mom sneezes* "Ahhhhh! I must burst into tears!"

Anyone else get that logic?

We've started a fun little tradition of bringing him in our room when we're trying to let him relax before bed. We watch a little show on netflix while he sits in bed with us until it's time for bed and then we have his bedtime routine. 

He's a pretty chill baby boy.
He doesn't mind just hanging out with daddy while he reads. It's pretty sweet.

This kid is pretty great!
I've decided 6 months old is when they really start becoming addicting.
He's so fun and spunky and I feel incredibly blessed to be his mom.
He is the best little person ever and I cannot imagine my life without him.

For your patience here are some videos of him playing and laughing:

On a side note he likes to fake cough and make spitting noises...
(Sometimes those mean "no")


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