May 29, 2016

Spring Brings Showers with May Flowers

I proudly present my SPRING UPDATE!

Maybe I should only make the promise of blogging quarterly. That seems reasonable right?
I'll make that deal and then hope that I happen to blog a little more often than that.

So spring is great right????

Here in Utah we've been getting a great deal of rain surprisingly.
I love and dislike rain. 

Personally I find it soothing and wonderful, but as a mom it means keeping Joshua indoors most of the time.

So Garett and I found the best $20 deal ever at Ikea!

This tent has already proven its worth a thousand times over.
Joshua loves it and the tunnel that attaches to it and I love that they fold up easily for storage.
That's a win win, am I right?

Joshua is almost a year and a half old and growing like a weed.

He knows tons of words, but only says a few of them.
He loves playing chase and hide-and-go-seek.

Grandpa recently refinished my childhood dresser for Joshua.
It now matches his crib and changing table and looks amazing!

I wish I had a before picture to show you the wear and water damage, but you will just have to take me word for it that it looks MUCH better! (Thank you dad!)

Joshua dances and smiles and makes everyone he meets swoon in his cuteness.

April started out right with a mission reunion for Garett.
We only went once 3 years ago and it felt right to go again.

It was great to see old friends and especially Elder Dube, Garett's mission president.
Even better was that weekend they announced that a temple would be built in Zimbabwe, where Garett served his church mission for 2 years.

I would like to hope that we will get to see everyone again next year, but there are no promises as life gets busy.

I keep waiting for life to slow down, but I think I am only just starting to hit the part where life speeds up and doesn't stop for at least the next 30 years.

Along with April came new glasses.
A few months ago we were at Sunday dinner with family and I decided for the fun of it to try on Aaron's glasses. Little did I realize that there was stuff I couldn't see before and now could see more clearly!
Now these aren't a strong prescription by any means. They are meant for seeing things a bit sharper. Tiny words are in focus or detail in wood, a little more distinction in trees. I can choose when to wear them, but I try to wear them most of the time. 

I'm told I look like a librarian in them. Any truth to that?
(Also a side note that that is a compliment since my sister is a librarian!)

I may have recently bought Joshua and Garett matching shirts. It is my favorite. 
Buying matching clothes....that means I'm legit-ly a mom right? I feel like that is a mom thing to do.

Spring has also brought about going out to the park often.

Don't be fooled by the sunshine. It wasn't that warm, hence my hoodie.
Garett is just crazy and is always warm. 

This family picture was brought to you buy Taco Bell's Strawberry Starburst Freeze
 (The only way we could lure Joshua to sit with us for said picture).

Around Garett's birthday we decided to meet up with his sister in Salt Lake.
To make it more fun we took the Train and Trax (Thanks UTA!)

Joshua was in awe and waved to everything that passed by out the window.

(Not pictured) We found out every Saturday at 10am they let you feed the fish at City Creek Mall.
Joshua loves throwing things so throwing food to the fishies was a real winner in his book.

We got to go across the sky bridge and wave to people walking by.

Garett rescued a butterfly from running into the glass over and over.

Then we went to the splash pad in the mall.
It's a small water area where kids can run through.
Joshua about died of joy!

Hr didn't want to leave, but eventually had to, because he was soaked and cold.

About a week later my sister and her family flew in from Michigan!

Joshua and Miri are about 7 weeks apart and are finally at the age where they can play together, or at least follow each other around.

We had a blast having them there, especially for Aaron's wedding where Joshua along with his cousins were all troopers. 

He got a bit tired towards the end, but held on fairly well.

We decided to take Niko, Miri and Joshua on the train, because what is better than trains to little kids?
Not much I tell you!

Miri and Joshua decided to try and hide in the cupboard. 
What sillies!

They left to go home on Tuesday which is sad, but they are going to start a great new adventure in Moldova this fall and I am excited for them.

Finally we are caught up to the present! Huzzah!

Garett just started work on Monday as a Pathologists Lab Technician!
This is his post-bachelors/pre-graduate dream job!
I have never seen anyone more excited about cutting up pieces of organs to look for cancer and things of that nature.
If you get a chance, ask him about it. His face lights up and he gets this boyish grin on his face that melts my heart. Seeing him so excited just makes me all the happier. It helps me  to put my mind at ease knowing he is going to work everyday and loving it. (Also he calls it his big boy job because the work he is doing is very important. Once slip up and that's a biggie right?)

Because of said work, we are planning on moving closer to his work down in Murray. 
We are excited for this new development and moving forward with our lives.

As for me I have been on a reading hype. 
I have been huge into Terry Brooks recently and have decided to take on his entire Shannara series. 
Below is what I have read so far since the end of March I believe.

We own ALL of his Shannara and Pre-Shannara books, minus The Sorceress's Daughter which came out on Tuesday.

I am averaging about a book a week and I am hoping to be done with this series by mid August.
No pressure...

But in all seriousness I am loving it. 
I have found a daily pace that I can live with and still have plenty of time to play with Joshua and get everything done that I need to.

Speaking of which I have started working out regularly! 

This is the 2nd time in my life that I have ever been consistent at working out. The last time was 4 years ago when Garett and I were dating/engaged and it was my off track.
This isn't meant to be a bragging post, because there is not much to brag about it.
This is for me, to help hold me accountable.

I realized after I had Joshua that my body went through some changes. Mostly they are changes only I could see, but it made me realize that I needed to start putting in more effort. 

This is for me, to help me feel good about myself. Mainly it is about having energy to keep up with Joshua. I noticed I was tired all the time and I didn't like that so I have decided to make a change. I like the energy I have after starting my day with a good workout. I am happier and and all around better I think.

Life is funny, it is a series of ups and downs, slowings and speeding ups.
The last few months have been incredibly slow, but now things are picking up.
I can mark the changes and growing to our lives and I love it. I hate feeling stagnate. 
What is life if not for constantly growing and improving?

So here's to fresh starts, growing and improving. 
Or in Joshua's case learning to snuggle in bed.
I know it's the middle of the year already, but don't let that deter you from making changes in your life. I didn't really start until April and that is alright. You always have to start somewhere right?

I love you all and hope to post again in the next few months.


1 comment:

  1. The Family Picture sponsored by Taco Bell is my favorite :) Bribery works, people! Also, thanks for recapping our trip! I need to post about it soon too :) It was so good to be with all the people I love so much!
