December 5, 2010

Tis The Season To Sing To No End

Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile, my life has been more than usually dull this week but today has made up for it all. Though I will back track to Friday night for a moment. Friday night my roommates and I played Quelf. (Yes that is a real game and from what I understand, it is much like Curses) I have never played that before though. All the same Quelf is a board game where you each pick a character and then take turns rolling a die. You go that many spaces and whatever
color you land on, you draw that color card. There are Green, Yellow, Purple, Red and Blue cards.

You are not allowed to read the green cards, someone has to read it to you, they'll tell you to do something or ask you a true/false question. Some cards are "Classified" which means no one else can read them, but otherwise someone else can read the card and often the card will tell whomever the 2nd reader is to do something as well.

The yellow ones are weird, I'm not quite sure what the point of them is, mine always said the same thing, just to sit there quietly and move on. (Oh also, if you don't do what the card says you have to go back however many spaces the card says).

The purple ones are crazy and random! You have to act out or do something. Like splash water on your face and then sing "My bonny lies over the ocean". Or you have to act something out, or people have to do something while you do you thing. Like one was where the person had to pretend to be a cowboy and people had to pretend to cry or pick their nose (but you can't tell them that they are supposed to do that, you just have had to play the game before to know, or they tell you after for next time you play).

The red ones are for everyone and will make you say things. One we had was different ways to cook eggs. You go around the circle until someone can't think of anything and then they pay the penalty (go back spaces).

The blue ones are weird. They are either community, for everyone, or for you. Examples for one person: Cacia and to sit on her hands, and talk like a preacher. Nicole had to ask her foot permission to speak if she wanted to say more than 3 words, or keep one hand on the ground when not her turn. Group Examples: If you're character was on the same spot as another character, you had to hold hands with that person. You mad to make a noise that you think your character would make whenever you move a square on the board. My favorite was if you made eye contact with someone you had to say "Trippy".

Basically that game is AWESOME! Except I am not very good at it but that is ok =]

Anywhooooooo today was good. I went to bed at 10pm last night! =D And didn't wake up until 11:30am this morning. But I needed it because the night before I didn't get to sleep until 4am because my throat was killing me. =/ I am doing my best to not get sick from Cacia and Alisa. But I felt much better this morning and now I'm just kind of congested but not too bad, just an icky cough.

All the same, my throat doesn't feel too bad and Rachel gave me medicine to take.

So Rachel, Nicole and I went to church and testimony meeting was good . Houston (one of my home teachers) bore his testimony and talked about how he doesn't like the poem "Footsteps in the sand" It talks about walking with the Lord, and Him carrying us when we struggle. But it is because of a scripture in Isaiah. Isaiah 46: 3-4. It talks about how if we let Him, the Lord will always carry us whether in hard times or not. And I thought that was rather cool of him to point out, how we must humble ourselves to let the Lord carry us.

Then on the way down to Sunday school (Church is in the Manwaring Center, where we had Catherine's reception, sacrament is upstairs and Sunday school and R.S. is in the basement near where the bookstore is at) Rachel wanted to go home but Nicole and I wanted to stay. Nicole and I walked down to the lobby, but stopped to wait to see if Rachel would come, but Nicole decided to go back up and get her and talk her into coming. I waited for them both, and while I did, a guy came up to me and introduced himself. His name is Drew and he's in my ward. He rooms with Colby (another guy in my ward that I met at the beginning of the semester). And then my roommates came, and we went down to Sunday school.

Sunday school is rough because it's Old Testament but it is good. Roll went around and it was pretty amusing. I noticed Nicole Harris reading the front of the list so when it got to me, I decided to read it as well. The first few guys (that also happened to be my home teachers and their roommies) has "single" next to their names. Farther down people put things like happily taken, married with 3 kids, divorced, widowed, living with 3 dogs and I have a crush on someone in this room. No really, people put all of those, it was quite amusing. And no I didn't put anything next to my name. Afterward a bunch of the guys went up to go look at what other people had put, crazy crazy kids.

Relief Society was good. Our president taught and I absolutely love her, she is a RM and you can tell, she is bubbly and full of life. She just brightens your day as soon as she opens her mouth and she taught on knowing Christ. She read a story about a boy that had written his paper on going to Heaven. You have probably heard this story before. he talks of being in this room with a walk FULL of files covering the wall documenting every part of his life. The more he reads of the bad things, the more he wants to destroy the room so no one can see it. Then Christ walks in and pulls some of the worst files and writes His name over the boys, red in His own blood. I had heard this story before but it hit me just as hard this time, and I cried. If you haven't read this story, go look it up, it is AMAZING. After crying my eyes out, my roommates and I went home.

Rachel walked barefoot because her shoes are rather knew and were giving her blisters, but the ground was worse. I came home and relaxed a bit. Houston and Gunnar (our home teachers) were coming for dinner so I knew it would be up to me to make something since the ones who normally cook were sick. Mother being as awe inspiring as she is, gave me the WONDERFUL recipe of Arizona Skillet Dinner, quick, easy, feeds lots and tastes AMAZING.

While starting to cut the onion I got a text from an unknown number and area code saying "Do you not have a facebook?" Being somewhat confused, I inquired whom this person was. Come to find out it was Drew (He got it from the BYU-I directory, which is a wonderful tool to stalk people with, I, myself have found all my FHE brothers from that, as well as my roommates). So I talked with him while making dinner. Sadly I kind of burned the onion whiling trying to saute them and start cooking the noodles. But it still turned out well.

Gunnar and Houston came over for dinner and I must say, I love my home teachers, they are AWESOME. The 6 of us (Keely came back while I was making dinner) had a great time, and everyone loved the dinner (thank you mother for being a genius!). It was all around one of the best dinners we have ever had, just laughing and it felt somewhat like home.

After dinner they gave their lesson. Houston asked if we remembered the scripture he had given in testimony meeting and between Rachel and I , we got it! Heck yes we pay attention in church, felt so proud! =D So he went off that and his favorite scripture, Mosiah 5: 12-13 which talks of service and having the Lord in our hearts. he gave a wonderful analogy of picturing each day like sand on a beach and each day the water comes up and washes everything away and it is up to use to write the Lord's name in the sand, in our hearts until it becomes permanent. I thought that was an amazing thought and just wonderful. Then Gunnar went on to talk of how service can be as easy as smiling and how he is part of this thing on campus called "Fight the Frown". Check out the link. Gunnar is the one in the tie-dye shirt. Overall it was a wonderful message and they left us all with giant grins on our faces. =]

Then Albert came over and chatted for a bit and then I got to talk to Rachel White on the phone. And I found out I got A's on my Portrait of Cacia and Subject Exploration projects!!! =D =D =D

Overall today has been wonderful with games, spiritual messages, a great dinner, making friends, good grades, and family =] Yup, I am happy with life =]

And I hope y'all will fight the frown, and smile wherever you go, pass it along, you don't know whose day you may make. =]

Life is worth it =]

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