On the bright side, I have gotten to see several of my friends before I leave and play loads of video games. Robert and I played some N64 and Wii Thursday.
Friday night, Hannah and I played some Mario Kart Wii.
Then Saturday I introduced the Snow boys to N64 (they were less than thrilled with how difficult the original Mario Kart was) but they adored Poke'mon Stadium. (figured right?)
but of course after playing with them, what did Hannah want to do? But play Mario Kart with Lizzy and I =D
I think the best part was when we were deciding which one to play, Hannah says "The one we played last night", yes because I can totally remember what I played with you over every other person I have played video games with in the past 3 days. But it was all good, and Lizzy made a great come back and kicked our butts.
In other news, I have been craving Fun Dip.
And how could we ever forget Peanut Butter M&M's????
And of course he was immediately addicted to them.
I wish I still had some left =[
But as I said, Hannah and Lizzy came over Saturday night, but not before Hannah and I made a late night Food Lion run to get ice cream (because we had none in the house), And of course Hannah wore her stunning pjs to the store. We found a great deal on Edy's ice cream, buy one, get one free! Edy's is normally expensive so who could say no to that?
But of course, we made pizzokie.
But it was still delicious! =D
In other news, I hung out with Sam yesterday, just caught up some more since we rarely get to see each other. And then I went over to Marissa's and we watched "Freedom Writers" (which was very good by the way). Overall, I've had a good weekend.
Now if I can get a good night sleep. Oh and working like crazy this week.
Jump up and down if you're a dork
(Yes, I am jumping up and down)
Now go hug somebody!
(Yes, I am jumping up and down)
Now go hug somebody!
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