July 26, 2011

In the Silence of the Night

It's late and I should be in bed. I'm pretty tired, but I am taking a moment to enjoy the quiet. Rexburg nights are the best because most EVERYTHING is silent and cool. Though it is COLD if you're actually outside. Either way, the apartment cools down and is rather comfortable and Rexburg becomes ghost town. It's a ghost town during the day too currently thanks to it being the 7 week break. Speaking of which...

Most of my friends are back home now in New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, California, Colorado, Arkansas, Michigan, etc. I'm rather envious of them getting to see their families, but I can't complain because I shall be back in NC in a few days.

I'm wondering how it will feel to be back again. Last time I was there it felt weird, like I was a visitor/guest in someone else's home. I guess that's what happens when you grow up. Suddenly you have a new home, and as much as I would love to deny it, Rexburg is my home now and it feels rightly so. When I got back here in April it just felt right. Especially after being cramped up in Tyler's little Geo Prizm for 5 hours...

On a side note to that, isn't it funny how when you meet someone, you don't know the roll they will play in your life later on, whether big or small. You don't know when getting a ride to Rexburg, that you will become really good friends with the driver; that you'll go play at the park, slide down slides and climb buildings in the wee hours of the morning. You think, "oh just another person".

Like when I met Nikki, she was always with her old roommate and they were an interesting mix together. When I first moved in I didn't talk to either one of them, mostly because Janee was intimidating and as most may know, I am rather shy. But after Janee left, Nikki and I got along perfectly. Given, her and I are VERY different people and it's great. Together we kind of straighten each other out, keep each other sane. But when first meeting her, I had no idea that she would be my room-roommate and also one of my closest friends.

I guess the point of all of this is that I am homesick, but not for home, but for where the people I love reside. Funny, now I have people that I care about all across the country, heck even across the world. I miss you all, wherever you are. And whether I see you tomorrow, next week, in a couple of months, or in a few years, I love and miss you all.

I guess this is all part of life. Nothing stays the same for long, there is not much of a constant in your life. People come and go, classes change, moving around, relationships build or crash. You can only go with the flow and try to keep up.

Speaking of which, I can't wait to go canoeing again! I guess I should start working my arms out again so I don't kill myself on the New River.

Alright, I'm off to bed. Be safe and I wish you all the best. Sweet Dreams world!

I did NOT
fall off my bed today!
but I ate half the
food in the fridge.
Gym here I come

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