She has taught me the importance of daily personal scripture study and prayer as well as how to dress well and shop cheaply.

She has taught me that you can always make Wendy's on your way home even if you're going the wrong direction.
She has taught me to hit people on their heads with soda bottles and to sit in the back row of the movie theater so you can throw popcorn at people.

How to be a human barbie doll.

How to not be ashamed of crying during a movie, and to run to the car after scary ones.
That shopping for jeans can take 3 hours.

That it's okay to be silly and not care what other people think of you.

How to eat fries and frosty's together and to love chili cheese fries.

She has taught me to laugh at myself and to not be so selfish.

To love people even when they screw up.

That no matter how far apart, sisters are forever.

She has taught me to be courageous and stand up for myself.

How to dance in the rain and paint swing sets with mud.
How to play in colored powder.

That cupcakes can actually be heavenly.
And what women with incredible voices sounds like.

How to cut trails through evergreens and to climb trees.
That even though today seems gray and lonely, it's not the end of the world.

She has taught me the importance of sisterhood and that though we may not always agree, she is always there for me.

Though she does not always realize it, she has always been an amazing example to me and when she corrects me or tells me where to improve, I take it to heart.

I love you Catherine. Thank you for being the wonderful sister that you are.
I know I won't see you for awhile, but I know it'll be great when I do. You are a huge blessing in my life and though we don't talk everyday, you're an amazing listener and advice giver (don't scoff at that, it's true. xP) I wish I was a better listener to you but I promise if you ever needed me, I would be there in a heartbeat. You really are amazing and I look up to you. I hope to be as awesome of a wife and soon to be mother as I know you are and will be. Happy Birthday Catherine and thank you for the 19 years of sisterly love.

I love you Catherine. =]
She has taught me that you can always make Wendy's on your way home even if you're going the wrong direction.
She has taught me to hit people on their heads with soda bottles and to sit in the back row of the movie theater so you can throw popcorn at people.
How to be a human barbie doll.
How to not be ashamed of crying during a movie, and to run to the car after scary ones.
That shopping for jeans can take 3 hours.
That it's okay to be silly and not care what other people think of you.
How to eat fries and frosty's together and to love chili cheese fries.
She has taught me to laugh at myself and to not be so selfish.
To love people even when they screw up.
That no matter how far apart, sisters are forever.
She has taught me to be courageous and stand up for myself.
How to dance in the rain and paint swing sets with mud.
How to play in colored powder.
That cupcakes can actually be heavenly.
And what women with incredible voices sounds like.
How to cut trails through evergreens and to climb trees.
That even though today seems gray and lonely, it's not the end of the world.
She has taught me the importance of sisterhood and that though we may not always agree, she is always there for me.
Though she does not always realize it, she has always been an amazing example to me and when she corrects me or tells me where to improve, I take it to heart.
I love you Catherine. Thank you for being the wonderful sister that you are.
I know I won't see you for awhile, but I know it'll be great when I do. You are a huge blessing in my life and though we don't talk everyday, you're an amazing listener and advice giver (don't scoff at that, it's true. xP) I wish I was a better listener to you but I promise if you ever needed me, I would be there in a heartbeat. You really are amazing and I look up to you. I hope to be as awesome of a wife and soon to be mother as I know you are and will be. Happy Birthday Catherine and thank you for the 19 years of sisterly love.
I love you Catherine. =]
Your May May
Your May May
thanks so much megan! this made me cry!!!!