Sometimes I think I should have been born in my parents generation.
Let's face it, they knew how to dance; swing, latin, ballroom, and everything awesome!
I recently learned how to do The Pretzel in swing dancing! I'm proud of myself. I think swing has to be one of my favorite styles. I might go to one the dance classes on campus to learn more awesome moves.
In my parents generation they had records. And I am pretty sure records were and still are one of the COOLEST inventions ever! I will never forget rocking out to The Carpenters with my mom and dancing around our living room when I was little. I'm pretty sure she even has some 45's. Mom you better NEVER sell those or I will cry!
For the record (teeheehee), my roommates and I have been listening to and sharing music from the 50's-80's these past few days. I got Melissa addicted to The Carpenters. Heck yeah!
And I miss snail-mail being the main form of communication. Don't get me wrong, technology is great, especially with family and friends being so far away, but I love letters! I am certain I have sent more letters this past year than I have received, but when I did get those letters, I felt special beyond reason. I am now currently starting on my 3rd book of stamps in the past year. (Told you I like writing letters). There is just something incredibly personal and sweet about a letter that no text or box of chocolate or present can ever replace. And if you want a letter, give me your address and I promise to send you something heartfelt and probably kind of silly.
Anyway, sorry to ramble, but you know I'm right. Letters are amazing and fun and there is something about letters that just beats all other forms of communication when far apart. Maybe it is because you know that person had to take time out of their day to sit down and truly dedicate time to thinking of you. They were caring enough to ask about your day and tell you stories and to really think what was worth putting into a letter for you. So I hope you go and write a letter to someone, you might just make their day.
And finally there was less T.V. then. Fewer shows (let's face it, there is a reality show for EVERYTHING now) and most of it is a waste of time. I think T.V. is one of those things I have slowly grown to disdain (minus a few shows). We could all be spending our time much better. We could be writing letters, doing homeworking, reading a book or learning a new hobby. Or this is a crazy one, you could CALL people on the phone, like phones were originally meant to be used for. When was the last time you called someone JUST to call them and see how they were doing?
I got a call from a friend last night just to talk and see how I was doing and it made me really happy. It was fun and helped strengthen a friendship. So next time you're listening to a song or watching some pointless show, think what you could be doing better with your time. Thnk back to the days when people actually danced, and sang about things other than heartbreaks and lust. Think about someone else, make a call, write a letter. But don't waste what is given to you, because there are so many great things about there. Take advantage of the simplicity of how things used to be. It might just make a difference in your life and someone else's life.
He didn't humans social
so that we could be alone.
Make a call, reach out.
I'll reach back.
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