One thing is for sure, there is rarely a dull moment in our house.
Joshua is a pretty happy boy. He'll smile at pretty much anyone that smiles at him first.
He loves to fall asleep in Garett's lap, especially at church.
Joshua is truly the most amazing little person and our lives are all the more richer with him in it.
I will admit, I am his favorite (because I am with him all the time and I feed him) and I soak it up. I know it won't last so I try to enjoy it as much as I can. He is my own personal cheer leader and it is the best. Motherhood is like having super powers. Once or twice Joshua got really upset to the point that even Garett couldn't sooth him, but once he handed Joshua to me he was fine. It was kind of magical! Though I felt a bit bad that Garett couldn't help, it was also kind of awesome.
He has a way of making every day brighter and better.
It is not to say that it isn't hard, but the hard days are few and far between. More often than not my days are filled with sweet babbling and giggles.
A week and a half ago Joshua rather suddenly started laughing and babbling all the time.
He had had small little semi-laughs before, but now it is full on giggling and sweetness.
He also has a goal to shove as many fingers in his mouth as possible.
Since it is finally warming up here Garett and I have started taking walks with Joshua. He normally ends up falling asleep because it is often too bright or windy for him to enjoy fully. But he tries to look around as much as possible before dosing off.
Life is truly amazing with our little guy, I don't say this to brag, but to say how grateful I am for our little boy. I hope anyone who reads this that is pregnant or looking forward to starting their family in the future may get some hope that life won't be as hard as they anticipate.
I remember people telling me that I was never going to sleep again, get in daily showers or have any alone time ever again. I felt like towards the end of pregnancy people tended to point out only the scary points and it kind of bothered me.
So I am here to say though it is not that bad, honestly there are way more great days than bad. Yes, more often than not I am somewhat sleep deprived, but holding my sweet boy as he smiles at me makes it all worth it, even if some of those moments happen at 5 o'clock in the morning. I imagine any parents that read this understand.
The love and joy I have in my heart for my little family is incomparable. Words cannot fully describe my love for our sweet little Joshua. All that I can really say is that I would never go back, never!
I feel like I had never truly lived until Joshua joined our small family. Motherly love (and probably fatherly love too, I can't vouch for it) is incredible, incomparable and indescribable.
I apologize for getting mushy, but how can I not? I guess maybe I am sharing this because motherhood tends to get a negative rep in the world today and I don't want people to fear it or look down on it. I want everyone to be thrilled about it! I know that sounds silly, but I mean it. It's probably because I love being a mom so much that I want to share that joy with the world. When you have a good thing, you want to share it.
I know there are probably plenty of hard days ahead, but I also know there are going to be tons of wonderful days ahead. So for moms that might be having a rough day, I hope you can remember some sweet times with your kids. For those that are pregnant, I hope you are excited and thrilled to be a mom, because it is AWESOME! And for those who might not be there yet or for awhile, maybe you can tuck the excitement away for when your time may come, maybe now you won't be as scared of motherhood.
To end I have 2 small videos, one of Joshua laughing (though I apologize, it is not his best laugh. Those are harder to catch on video) and the other is of Joshua babbling to himself/his toys. The reason you can't see his face always, is because if he notices my phone he will get quiet so I kind of have to hide.
I love you all and hope you are having a splendid week!
Love love love my extended family. Aunt Karen B :)