Speaking of which, Joshua is 11 months old! He is basically ONE and that is insane!
I am not really good of doing the month to month posts of what my child has learned to do, so I will try to cover the last 3 months right now.
Joshua crawls super fast so my day is mainly spent chasing him around and making sure he doesn't kill himself because he gets into EVERYTHING! Make up, the computer, pulling up the vent out of the floor, the trash, the cords, pulling things off of end tables, opens drawers and pulling everything out, the trash, pulling the toilet paper off the roll, the water bowl and did I mention the trash?
Just recently I was trying to finish my breakfast half asleep (this is surprisingly not normal) and I look over to see he is covered and trash, and not the just paper and easy things to get off. I mean crumbs and other sticky things galore. So he got his bath a bit early.
He LOVES baths! To the point that I just let him crawl around in the tub for 30 minutes until the water is half cold and he seems like he wants out.
Just the other day he figured out how to turn on the shower though. I should preface that with the fact that I let some water trickle out of the end of the spout at the end of his bath so he will look up and I can rinse his hair.
It seemed ingenious until he figured out he can turn the water to freezing and turn on the shower...now I just have to be more careful and it's more of a game/battle.
Oh and the stubbornness! He now is starting to throw fits when we tell him not to touch things. (Boy oh boy....but luckily this is pretty rare)
He tries to climb on everything. He frequently uses me as a stepping stool. He has been climbing up the stairs for a long time, but recently he learned to climb down the stairs and how to get off the bed/couch (mostly) safely. He's fast and strangely careful about it.
He can basically walk. He took 7 steps the other day. He is constantly trying, but I think he likes to try when he thinks no one is looking. It's rather funny.
Also pretty recent is hugs! This started probably 3 days ago but I think he is starting to give hugs and I am loving it!!!!!!!!
This is probably my favorite of his new habits. I miss how he used to snuggle me, so hugs are one step in the right direction. (Though I have come to terms that snuggling may not come back again until he is officially a toddler and probably only when he is sick, but hey I can dream right?)
Along the line of awesome things, is that he eats solid meals now all the time. He still nurses a little bit, mainly before naps and bed. He has cereal for breakfast, and then eats whatever I eat for lunch and dinner. He loves stuffing and bananas and most things. (He HATED baby food, like truly hated it, so that made 6-8 months kind of complicated for me). I had it all planned out in my head that I would start introducing baby food at 6 months and slowly over the next several months transition him to real food, but he threw that idea out the window.
He eats tons though, he can eat a whole can of chicken noodle soup, seriously this kid is insane. It baffles me that he is such a petite baby for how much he eats.
Sadly no teeth that I can see, but I am not good at checking...but I am not too worried. Joshua has proven to me time and time again that he will only do things when he is good a ready. An example is crawling. He could have easily been crawling at 6 months, like he was ready, but he didn't care to learn. He finally decided basically over night to learn to crawl about a month later. When he decides to learn something, he learns fast but no one is going to rush him.
So I honestly expect to wake up one day and he will just be walking perfectly everywhere because that is Joshua.
He sleeps 10pm-8am and I am actually mostly okay with that, but he takes 2 solid 2 hour naps a day and is on a really nice schedule so I can't complain.
Why I feel so busy is because I can only get things done during the 1st nap time. The 2nd nap time is mainly getting things cleaned up before Garett gets home.
We did get to see Garett's family for Thanksgiving this year. It is always great to see them since they are rather far away.
We are also planning on being there for Christmas. We were supposed to go last year but because Joshua was on his way, traveling was out of the question.
Garett is working tons and tons and we were doing pretty well at saving up money, but Christmas slowed that down a bit as it always seems to do.
He also just finished applying to grad school for Microbiology which means we will be biting our nails until sometime early next year when we figure out where on earth we are going to be moving to. We've applied to schools all around the country so we could end up anywhere.
I think that covers most of everything that has happened recently. I would blog more, but like I said, my window of productivity is pretty small.
I love all of the pictures of Joshua! What a sweet baby :) I also love hearing about what your day to day life is like right now!