February 28, 2011

For Hannah...

This is for Hannah =] And everyone else =]

This is my weekend in a nutshell =]

Friday was BEAUTIFUL!!!!

So much that I had to get some Izzes! =D

Blueberry and Apple never tasted so good!
Plus for some reason, taking pictures of the inside of the fridge looks SO cool.

It's like the Izzes are glowing (after all they are heavenly)

To add to my excitement....

I figured out how to scrunch my short hair (it's easier when it's long) and it held for MOST of the day....=D
Like it?

Bangs coming soon!

It was so warm I opened all the windows and walked around barefoot...
My poor shoes looked so lonely but I was more than happy to be rid of them while walking around outside.

Or inside on the couch...
Either way, NO SHOES! In February!

Look at the lovely day outside!
Looks surreal huh?


Can you say I love North Carolina "winter"?

Sunshine +
Regina Spektor +
Florance & The Machine +
Ingrid Michaelson +
No Shoes +
Izzes =

February 24, 2011

My Computer Has Stopped Spazzing

Therefore it obviously means I should be blogging. Though I am partially determined to be asleep before 11pm for the first time since I was 10.

Okay I feel like I sort of tell about my life but not really. Here's a little 411 on my life lately:

  • I tend to work unexpected hours a bit.
  • I also get called in for emergency babysitting when Grant manages to bust his chin open while riding his scooter on President's Day when ALL doctors are closed so the ER is packed.
  • Occasionally I get nice little shopping trips with my friends Sam, Marissa, Kris or Yutsil. =]
  • And sometimes I find great deals on belts, earrings and dresses with them =]
  • I spent Tuesday shopping with Kris, then that unexpected working stuff and then sat down with Sam for 6 hours just catching up on life.
  • There's always those few days I'm ACTUALLY scheduled to work and those are always entertaining with Brian causing havoc on my little stand, moving things around just to keep me entertained during the quiet moments. Always fun =] No really, we all have some good laughs there.
  • Learning names my sort-of-coworkers a month after meeting them and talking to them every day. Thanks Brian for letting me know that other guys name is Brad (in my defense he NEVER wears his name tag)
  • I've been writing letters lately (mostly to Rachel White) and I think I'm getting better at letter writing. It actually takes some skill, though little.
  • Yutsil just gave me around 2GB of AWESOME music. Guess who is going to be listening to a different band every week for the next 6 months =]
  • It rained today which smells AMAZING so Yutsil and I made Mexican hot cocoa (you melt this chocolate bar into milk on the stove) and it's SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!! while eating doughnuts =] and listening to said awesome music.
  • I sprayed some perfume stuff on me because it smelled nice in a small dose and now I'm going loopy from the stench. O.o
  • Waking up to the sound of rain is happy =]
  • I have no plans tomorrow so guess who is having a pajama day? ME! =D
  • They make Cheerwine cake, awesome? Yes. Why is it I never liked/drank Cheerwine until I went to Idaho, now I crave it randomly.
  • 4 weeks from tomorrow I am BACK OUT WEST!!!
  • Even better, I get to spend a WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK WITH MY SISTER AND JESSE!!!!! Now tell me you are not totally completely and utterly jealous. Yeah you are, don't even try to deny it! xP
  • Finally.................I just REALLLLLLLY LOVE MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is pretty much the greatest person ever and I think I should kidnap her and never let her go....but then I remember I should share her with Jesse because he's pretty awesome too. =]
Love you sis!

Spoons on my ears
Cameras around my neck
Songs in my head
Food in my Belly
Now of to Bed

February 21, 2011

Some Pictures That Are Worth Thousands of Words

Or maybe just a few words. Like how this computer mouse is spazzing and annoying. =/


This is what my computer has looked like for the past 2 weeks...
Can you say Lie To Me? =D

And this is what Saturday nights are for:
Playin it old school!

But back to the day time:
I have 3 words for you:

LIE TO ME!!!!!

(I'm not addicted or anything...)

Then there are those moments when I think to myself


(Not a wonderful world you goof!) Only in North Carolina...
do we have geese crossing, deer crossing, squirrel crossing, opossum crossing, etc....

Is anyone else starting to think this is feeling more and more like a princess movie?

I'm just waiting for the birds, bunnies and chipmunks to burst into song ANY MINUTE NOW.

Speaking of Disney, remember The Sword and The Stone?
Bennett doesn't. But he does like to point his sword in the air. And leave the toilet seat up, like any other 3 year old.

Dude, tonight, I almost got beat by him at Mario Kart Wii.

He's 3.

I'll go to my little corner and sulk now....

On to some sweets that will PROBABLY make your mouth water...

Except the onion. That would make your eyes water....if it wasn't actually CAKE! =D

Man that cheese looks so good!

Anyone up for a Burger King run? RIGHT NOW! I'm driving!

Or we could have a jam session...
Anyone play the guitar? How about the ukulele?

Anyone? Anyone?

This last one, I just wanna package it up and take it home.
Too bad it looks TOO sweet to eat.

(Sorry about all these bad puns....I'm tired, can you tell?)

Finally some hats for the runway:
This is jenny featuring the Alaskan pilot hat.

That is secretly too small for her head or MY head.

Next we have
Some best friends that are bored at Target on a Saturday night =D

But for all those foreigners
The prim and proper English ladies hat, for those moments when you want to sip tea in the garden and eat bread and butter, for cake is rarely seen in the best houses nowadays.

Finally for those days where you don't want a tan but still want to be outside
The unbrella hat, keeping you pasty in the great outdoors, or while laying out by a pool.

Now for the giant sunglasses...JK

Now being so pasty, you're probably hungry and what should one eat while rocking video games and pastiness at 3 in the morning?
Cookies, cheese & crackers, and chocolate milk.

The perfect night time snack.

Thank you and goodnight.


Chocolate milk
make life

February 17, 2011

Where Did the Time Go?

It jumped out the window of course!

Actually I have NO clue where the time has gone. I have been home for 2 months as of tomorrow. Crazy huh? I still don't feel like I have been here THAT long. Plus somehow people still manage to NOT know that I'm in town and have BEEN in town since December. Way to pay attention in church right?

Anyway so my week starts are relatively uneventful. It looks something like this:
Work Monday (or some other random day), Friday, Saturday.

The end.

Somehow it becomes this:
Monday- Run errands with mom, get called into work suddenly, clean out my room, possibly shop some, help Aaron with math
Tuesday- Shop with mom, come home, hang out until mom gets busy with other stuff & I go run errands with Kris.
Wednesday- Unexpected babysitting for the morning and then go to work.
Thursday-Oversleep due to not sleeping well & waking up at 530am with a major cramp in my left side, lasting for a good hour or so. Doctor's appointment to make sure I STILL have acne and need medicine for it. Babysitting around dinner time.
Friday- Probably run some errands before going into work. Working ALL NIGHT, come home & crash.
Saturday-Photoshoot with a friend then MAYBE visit another long lost friend if not having TOO much fun with first said friend.
Sunday-SLEEP & Church =]

Yes I like Sundays, they make me happy and relaxed. =]

Not that I mind being busy but it is hard to schedule with people when other random things pop up that I agree to before I know what is happening.

On the bright side, I have 5 weeks left until I get to hang out with my FABULOUS sister and the best brother-in-law ever! =D

Now to go to the doctor so they can tell me that I STILL have acne. Because I can't look in the mirror and see it or anything...

Also the other more literal bright side! 66 degrees today! 76 tomorrow! Bust out those shorts that have been sitting in the back of my closet since August! =D

Ryan Star
Brand New Day
Lie To Me

February 15, 2011

Vanity for the Quiet, Shy and Timid

So I tried to make my hair wavy. I used to be able to do it with my long hair. And it worked well.

So I thought to try it with short hair.

For the record, there is a reason there is no after picture.

Wasn't my best idea.

Oh well =/

So I was curious if I could pull of bangs...


Even bigger NO!

Oh well.

Now for a picture that looks awesome!

Or at least I think so. =]

This is manual settings, auto focus.

Not bad huh?

At least my hair is in focus.

Classic smirk.

Also I have a cowlick. Not sure if I like it yet or not.

This one just makes me happy =]

No I don't remember what I was thinking about to cause that smile.

Maybe it was feeling goofy for taking pictures of myself.

Fake smile anyone?

But a decent one I must say.

Maybe it's half real....

Have you smiled today?


Because you have a pretty one!

Even you guys.


You know you want to!

Because you are beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, cute and awesome. =]

Ranch, Salsa
Chicken, Cheese
In a wrap, YUM!!!

February 9, 2011

Pull out the trays and away we go

Today I got to hang out with my mother! =D

And we baked!



Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars!

While dancing around to music in the kitchen.

And now I am happy =]

We also watched Psych while playing Spite & Malice.

Today has been a great success!

I love my mom

is a font.
Awesome huh?

February 8, 2011

It's a beautiful day and nothing to do....

So I am blogging! Woohoo!!!! I really have no idea what I am going to write so we'll see what happens. I've been in a rather "deep thinking" mood lately and last night I spit out a great deal of my thoughts into my journal for several hours. I almost considered posting it but changed my mind because I rather talk of much sillier things..... Like chocolate chip cookie bars! Guess who has been craving them.....ME and I have more than ONE day off this week to make them.....YAY!!!!!!! *cheering with hands clasped, waving from side to side*

Anywhoo.....I have decided to write my thought process in a few minutes:

To start, it is gorgeous out today and I REALLY wanna take pictures but all my "models" are preoccupied with work or school. =[ I am tempted to dig out my remote and shoot myself (wow that sounded odd....), I have only ever done that once....and the pictures turned out well I think. Maybe I should.....but then I'd feel vain and that is no good.....but it's pretty out, a lovely 45 degrees! Given there is wind but I can't complain, it's warm enough for me. Glad I'm not in Idaho right now....

Though I do LOVE Idaho. Ah Idaho....good times.....6 1/2 weeks until I go back! I like to think it is Friday and then I can round down to 6 because 6 seems SO small, but 7 seems big.....why is that??? Weird. Ah but weird is good like the awesome weird and AWESOME music Yutsil gave me today! Though it didn't all transfer, I'll get the rest Thursday. I am psyched after the first mix she made me. My music library is gonna rock! And then I can dance around like a total goof and have a blast while doing so. Ah I want a dance party!

Maybe if Kris isn't busy after work we shall have to go have a mini little dance party with our silly selves like we did 2 weeks ago when we went downtown. Random little dance parties are the best. The carefree, "I am having fun so deal with it" feeling is great and worth the silliness. Besides, why do we ever care about what the strangers that we'll probably never see again think about us anyway? Exactly, we shouldn't care. And that is why I love goofing off, plus everyone is secretly jealous of all the fun you're having while they're miserable and boring.....well that or that you're a crazy loony.

But yes, actually Yutsil would dance with me too. She is adorable, I wish I was as adorable as she is. I also wish I could sing like her but that is for another story for another day. I love hanging out with her. She's one of those people you can sit down for hours and never have a moment of silence but also never have a one way conversation (yes I know I can talk anyone's ear off except maybe my Aunt Bobby or my mother). But Yutsil is one of those few people that can keep up with me, and puts in equally as much to the conversation as I do and we NEVER run out of things to talk about ever. In all honestly we ALWAYS run out of time before we run out of things to say. Do you not love people like that??? All the same, it helps that she has a very similar mindset to me in beliefs, in morals and all around girly yet somewhat logical topics. I mean we still disagree like normal human beings but we don't fight over anything. Overall I am wondering why I didn't get to really know her sooner and hoping we stay good friends. I'm glad I'm getting to know her now though, even if it's bad timing but heaven knows I seem to make friends with people at the last minute more than not lately.

But yeah I guess that is just what is on my mind today. That and I think I may go hang out with my mother. Gosh I love her! She is amazing and more than anything I just wanna hang out with her all the time lately but it seems our schedules tend to conflict. =[

But we did get to watch Revenge of the Bridesmaids on netflix today. (Catherine go watch it RIGHT NOW!) Everyone else, well....watch it if you're a girl or don't mind somewhat silly chick flicks.

Yeah that's life. Hope you're all having a WONDERFUL DAY! Smiling for 10 seconds will make you and everyone else feel a little better. SMILE!!! Life is an adventure, enjoy the happy moments and learn from the hard ones but don't ever give up. And at the end of the day I hope you've learned and laughed.

I'm awake in the afternoon
Fell asleep in the living room
It's one of those moments
When everything is so clear

February 7, 2011

Memories, Memories

Okay so before I get to the picture frenzy that came from my photography nightmares last night and my gratefulness that they weren't real, I must tell you the CUTEST story ever!

Today at work this little girl (probably around 5 years old), blonde hair, blue eyes, came up to me and asked what she could get with the change in her hand. Looking down, she was holding about 6 pennies. (The cheapest things we have are 75 cents). Jay (The janitor, this big black guy who happens to be the biggest, sweetest teddy bear you'll ever meet) notices this little girls' dilemma. So he walks over and asks if she would like a smoothie. She nods, clearly excited by the idea. Jay says he will pay for it. I ask her which one she wants (but not really being able to read, she chooses the first one I mention, giddy as can be). So I start to make her smoothie and her eyes get huge with excitement. You know, the wide, adorable eyes that only kids can make? Yeah.

As I am making it, one of the life guards comes up to get a smoothie too. As she is standing there waiting, the little girl looks up at her, then points to the smoothie and says "That one is mine!!!" The life guard laughs and agreed that she is getting a good smoothie. So I finish the smoothie and then hand it to her. She thanks me and bounces off happy as could be. I turned to Jay and thanked him for his kindness.

And yeah so that basically just made my heart melt! She was so cute and Jay was so sweet and it made my whole night worth it. After all the other frustrating customers, she was my favorite and she made my whole night better. Plus it is nice to know there is still some compassion left in this world. It reminds me of that show Undercover Boss. They seem to find the NICEST people as employees and often I feel the same way. I am surrounded by the sweetest, kindest people at work and I love it, it makes work a WHOLE lot easier. =]

Okay onto my picture frenzy. For the record I do have photography nightmares about losing my memory card after getting a new camera & finding every other size and shape memory card BUT mine. Or not having my camera for an AMAZING photography opportunity. I wake up gasping and depressed, and then glad that it wasn't real. So I felt it was clearly time to pull out my camera.

I finally started using my weights again! And doing sit-ups and all that good stuff.

My awesome bag that I love! Can you spot my sudoku book?
(My Kenken book was in the living room this morning)

I cleaned my room and my bed is made =D
Seeing this makes me want to jump on it, how about you?

This is me dressing down, and bored. Waiting for mom to finish her stuff so we can watch a MOVIE! (We watched a B&W Lucile Ball murder mystery, it was AWESOME)

This just kinda looked cool. =]


So my thought process here is "I love my camera! HUGS!"
(I also love hugs!)

Been working on my scripture study. I kinda got out of practice when I came home. But I'm improving. =] It's called "learning to go to bed at a decent hour and planning accordingly".

My shoe fell like this and I thought it was pretttttttty awesome!

Side view!


Picture frenzy. Love of shoes, love of photography. Enough said.

And again!

Fun with DoF (Depth of Field)

Gonna wipe off the dust and put these to good use.

Random picture collage on my floor! Because I can!

Ah the memories from all those projects! It makes me want to go take pictures RIGHT NOW!!
I love photography SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! If I could hug it, I would!
Also I am taking some of these with me to decorate my bedroom when I go back to Idaho. =]
Six and a half weeks!

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

February 3, 2011


Today I went to App State with Kris to go visit Hannah.

Along the way we picked up Robert on our adventure around campus.

And I got to see a long lost friend!


She was my best friend from the ages of 6 to 9.

Then she moved away. =[

But TODAY we reunited after 10 or so years!!!

And let me tell you, she is just as awesome or awesomer than she was when we were little.

It was wonderful to see her and I had a great time picking up like we never left off.

Guess who is definitely going to have to go back to App again soon! Yes. Me.

But I am not wearing heeled boots again.....

Because guess what else....

App is on the side of a mountain.

Enough said.


February 1, 2011

Oddly Enough

Lately I have been craving Disney Princess movies and cheese.

Today alone I watched Beauty & the Beast, Princess Protection Program, and The Swan Princess.

And let me tell you, there is a REASON The Swan Princess is MUCH LESS well known.....that movie was weird and not the greatest. It was kind of a mix between The Little Mermaid with being in the water and talking animal friends helping her, but mixed with Sleeping Beauty, having a spell cast on her and the need of a Prince to love her and a giant creature/person attacking her. Yeah plus the songs were........um.......forgettable, so much that I already have "Be Our Guest" stuck in my head somewhat intentionally.

All the same, yay for princess movies I guess? Or at least happy cheesy predictability.

Speaking of cheesy, I had Mac n' cheese, Doritos and a wrap with mozzarella in it. YUM!!!

And Abby (Whitaker) wanted to watch Beauty & the Beast.

All the same, yay for happy, yummy cravings, and fun silliness.

And for feeling like I'm 7 again =D

There's something in the water
That makes me love you
like I do