May 3, 2013

I'm alive I swear!!!

Hey so basically this is just to let y'all know I'm alive. Sorry I don't blog much anymore. I went from having too much time to do nothing to wishing there was 10 more hours to every day. I'm baking in school, I love my classes, they just take up a LOT of time.

My favorite class by far has to be Lithography. For those who don't know what it is, here is a link to sum it up for you. And if you're too lazy to even read the link, basically it is making images with (what started with Bavarian Limestone) but we are using aluminum plates. Unlike printmaking, it is not an intaglio process. So it is not etched with acid. Honestly I'm still not even TOTALLY sure how Lithography works, but generally it works with oil and water and the science behind the two. And man there is A LOOOOOT of chemistry in it, which is odd because out of all the sciences, chemistry was probably my worst subject. We're still learning.

It helps that our teacher is an overly hyper lover of and Master of Lithography. Apparently he doesn't get to teach it much though so he is OVERLY thrilled that he is getting to now. He's pretty nerdy when it comes to Lithography, but it's good because it helps us students to want to try. I think it is going to be really hard, but really fun. Oh and apparently this is the FIRST EVER Lithography class at BYU-I. My old print making teacher is really hoping we can keep this class in the future. So I feel a little like a guinea pig. Please pray that we can keep this class, I think it's going to be really cool & really fun. =]

My 2nd favorite is of course digital photography. It is definitely taking me a little out of my comfort zone but it is pretty darn fun. (The assignments are more abstract rather than traditional). The teacher is very enthusiastic which helps. In general it's the crazy happy teachers that make the classes awesome. The teachers really make the class. If you love what you're teaching the students will too.

I'm also taking The Middle East, which is awesome. I'm learning more about the Arab cultures and I love it. I have such a great respect for them. I'm taking Origins of the Universe which is alright, got to go to the planetarium on campus. Didn't know we had one until yesterday. Not going to lie, I got pretty dizzy from it. Lastly I'm taking Doctrine & Covenants Part 1 which is a lot of self taught studying with a little class insight.

All in all school is good, just very time consuming. Thank goodness for no classes on Fridays, though it doesn't mean I'm not on campus on Fridays, still am just working on my own though.

So that's life, sorry for no pictures. I'm in the middle of 3 projects right now, I'll hopefully have some pictures up next week. Thanks for listening. Sorry this was a little long. I just like really weird art classes.

Keep dancing,
if you haven't danced today,
Megan =]

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