October 18, 2011

Those Little Moments

I had one of those moments, well more than just a moment.....but one of those things that just make your day infinitely better. A moment something like this from "Elizabethtown". Sorry about the captions and the wording is slightly off, but you get the idea.

One of those conversations that go on and on. It goes on while one of you is walking home from class, making lunch/dinner and doing homework. It continues while the other is out shopping and running errands, eating dinner and surfing the web. No matter whether you are peeing while on the phone or doing something else you keep talking about whatever the heck you end up talking about. And it's not until 4 hours later when previous engagements force you to hang up the phone that your conversation ends. But you know it's not really over, because one day you'll pick up the phone, give um a call and it will be like nothing changed. It will still feel like they left yesterday.

I love those moments. Those happy little happenings that make the world better. Don't you?

So pick up the phone, give someone a call and see where it takes you.
You may just surprise yourself.

If only the world were a little smaller
and you were a little closer
How different it would be.

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