November 8, 2011

Dear Sun, I Miss You

Oh the days when the sun shown and there was no snow....

I'm already beginning to miss those days.

But look how cute this mini house is:

I can't wait to see my dear parents in 2 weeks! 
I miss them already (though I saw them 2 weeks ago).
Aren't they cute?

I also miss Aaron and Rachel. 
I would miss Jenny but she's one of my roommates.
(Left to right: Aaron, Rachel, Jenny).

I also miss my fluff ball:
Oh Emily, you are a cute ball of fur.
Finally your thick fur will come in handy.

North Carolina girls are the best in the world ;D

Wanna measure the snow?

Family and basically family.

Only cool people can lick their noses.*

And what would my life be without this man?
Not nearly so happy, entertaining and fun as it is now. 
Isn't he so cute when he is sleeping??
(That's what happens when you scratch his back).

Gosh is he not the cutest thing you ever did see????
(The answer is YES)
I'm so very fond of him.

Now if only Thanksgiving will hurry up!
It's going to be quite a fun adventure, meeting his family
and him getting to meet my family.

Yup he's such a cutie! 
Pssst! That boy in the above picture, he's my boyfriend.
Don't be jealous, even though you should be. ;D 

Snow snow go away
Let's skip to April
so you can go away.

*Yes I can touch my nose with my tongue.

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