November 29, 2011

My 200th Post

Originally I wanted to do something cool or awesome for my 200th post. I thought of doing one about Rexburg and how I've grown to love it despite the snow and wind here. I thought of doing one on all my new cooking experiences. I thought of doing one on Garett since I am so fond of him. Even thought of doing one about Thanksgiving and my family. But looking through it all I could not decide so I came up with something else.

I like where I am in life. I am on my own. I am learning and growing academically as well as spiritually. I attend the temple weekly. I am learning to cook. I have a wonderful boyfriend that makes me happy beyond reason. I live in a cute little college town that Garett and I can explore to no end. I've discovered many cool things and places about my town. My family is close by whether around the corner or a state below.

I have not forgotten my friends and home back east though. North Carolina will forever hold a place in my heart. I have friends and memories there that I could not and will not forget, friends that have shaped me into the person I am today, friends I will love forever.

As I look toward the future  I see many blurred lines and colors. I have an idea of the future, a minimal outline, but I cannot see all the details no matter how much I try. I guess this post is not about trying to see the details of my life, but to see it as a whole. I chose the picture above for a reason. It is an overlook of the city of Provo, Utah at night, but without the details, you would never know, it would be just another city. But sometimes it is better to not see everything, enjoy looking at the colors of lights and how they merge and contrast with one another. You know there is something out there, you cannot quite see what everything is though.

Life is not about knowing all the details. Let us plan a little at a time, embrace the uncertainty and the adventures that lie ahead. Where I will be in a year, I have no clue, I have an idea, but I do not know. All the same, I am fine with where I am. I am content with the life given to me and as I make it my own, I'll become the woman I was meant to be.


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