September 7, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

As promised I am posting pictures of my new apartment and home for the next 4 months. I already love my roommates and can't wait to get to know them all better...after we find a good shower curtain. They were all sold out. =/ Anyway, here is our little home in Idaho.

Rachel and I's room, bet you can't guess which one is my bed...

And it looks crowded but trust me it was MUCH worse!

All Rachel's stuff, she thought of EVERYTHING, she is pretty much brilliant!

My side, looks pretty much like my room back home =]

Our closet with our gazillions of clothes! Yay for fashioneestas!

The more conservative ones, Cacia and Alisa. Not quite so insane but always so sweet.

Our mile long counter which we need, with 2 showers and 2 toilets, though we need a good shower curtain.

Our little living room, Rachel and I have not taken over it yet...=]

The view from the front door...

Yay for tv and movies!

Our kitchen! Which finally feels homely due to ALL the cabinets filled with food and having all the works when it comes to cooking tools. Out home teachers will love us. =]

Sadly our fridge is naked and has no decorations yet, but we will fix it. We are working on a way to brighten up the rooms.

Until next time!

Hot cocoa and cookies are the way to go,
Sweet dreams world,

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