January 18, 2012


Ever have those days that no matter how you try you feel you are in some thick fog and cannot escape? That is me today.

Somehow all my energy (though not much to begin with) was used up after cleaning, making lunch, doing laundry and homework. Given I was disturbed by an unpleasant pain this morning at 4am that lasted for nearly 3 hours, putting a damper on getting my beauty rest.

Oh is it not lovely to be a girl sometimes.....

Alas after fighting cramps for about half the day, along with chores and one class down, I seem to have no energy to think. This would not be so bad if I did not have a 3 hour class to endure. I will pray that despite my fog and my body depleting my energy rapidly that I shall survive.  And when it is all over I get to spend the evening with Garett.

Oh the simple and marvelous things that we cling to to get us through our worst days.

He truly is a blessing, more than I can say, but amazing nonetheless.

Off to endure  the next 180 minutes. Wish me luck!

I wish I had some caffeine.

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