January 12, 2011

Dream.....I'm curious what would happen if you came true....

Do you ever wake up angry at people but can't remember why? Do you wake up confused, worried, overly happy or mad that you're awake? It's probably because you have been dreaming.

I can't speak for you but as for me, I have been having some WEIRD dreams lately! I had 3 last night, all making about as much sense as the previous. My dreams are always a mix of different memories but never just one place, it's like 3 places in 1 with people that have NO relevance to any of the places in the slightest.

The one I remember the best though was my sister and I were at my parents house but we were playing with a chinchilla. Actually it was Catherine that wanted to play with it and release it in my parents room. But I have NO idea where in the world the chinchilla came from or to whom it belonged to. But of course my parents room didn't even resemble their real room, it was a mix of several rooms I have seen of the course of my years. There was also something about a stop sign not actually being a stop sign but I can't quite remember how that was relevant...

All the same, I find lately when I wake up I am severely confused, then relieved that the dream wasn't real due to it's pure bizarreness and then mad that I am awake.

Tell me some of your dreams, am I the only one that has WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD dreams? Please don't say I am! I'm not crazy! Well.....never mind....

In other news, I officially am clueless as to why I have a long tongue. NO ONE else in family has a long tongue, just me! How weird is that???? When I go to Heaven, that is one of the first things I want to do, figure out where I got it from.

Now off to dance to music
I love music
=D =D =D
Velvetta Mac n' Cheese

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